Three of us (Ken Lord, Kris Morrison and Steven Moe) will be going up to Wellington to participate in this conference. We have been involved in the organising committee for the last 6 months and Steven Moe will be moderating two sessions as follows:
Session 2: Are there too many charities in New Zealand
- Cheryl Spain – The Gift Trust
- Dellwyn Stuart – Auckland Foundation
- Jamie Cattell – Charities Services
- Kate Russell – Fundraising Institute of New Zealand
- Sue Barker – Sue Barker Charities Law
Moderator: Steven Moe – Parry Field Lawyers
Session 9: Funding, social enterprise and the intersection with charities who operate businesses
- David Woods – Whai Rawa Fund Limited
- Levi Armstrong – Patu Aotearoa
- Louise Aitken – Akina Foundation
- Matt Dodd – Russell McVeagh
- Michael Gousmett – Independent researcher and commentator on charities law
Moderator: Steven Moe, Parry Field Lawyers
The conference is being organised by the Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (CLAANZ), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) and Parry Field (among others). Charities Services is also supporting this event.
The conference will focus on current topics of interest in fields of charity law and accounting.
The aims of the conference are to:
• inform and educate on important topics for charities
• strengthen links, contacts and collaboration within the sector community; and
• share lessons learnt and best practice that have worked for others, both within New Zealand and beyond.
We will report back on how it went!