It is really encouraging to read the new report published this month by JB Were on the charity sector in New Zealand. A lot of number crunching has gone on to provide an analysis and it give some fascinating insights into this sector.
It can be accessed here.
One of the key points noted in the report is that there are more not for profits in New Zealand than other comparable countries. Australia has one for every 422 Australians, the US has one for every 339 Americans and in Britain there is one for every 393 people in Britain. This is compared to New Zealand which has one for every 170 people. This probably confirms what those in this sector already know – that there are a lot of different charities and not for profits out there. It also indicates a bent or leaning towards philanthropy among Kiwis that is stronger than other places too.
One of the other points noted is that 45 percent of income is generated not from donations or Government grants but from trading or membership fees. That is really interesting because as there is an increasing focus on “social enterprise” and generating income to help support the good work being done it is likely that this number will increase in the future as people look for new and innovative ways to fund the good work they are part of (rather than relying on donations).
I am still reading the report so will post another time with other observations about what they say but I encourage others to download the report and have a look through for yourself. What do the observations and conclusions mean for your organisation?